A Faith Journey: From Conviction to Ministry

In the fabric of my family's history, faith in the Lord has been a lasting legacy. Sundays were sacred, with an unwavering commitment to worship. As hymns echoed through our car rides to church, a burden grew within me. Despite enjoying the melodies, doubts about salvation persisted. However, a pivotal moment during our Homecoming Service in 1967 led me to the altar, where I prayed for salvation. The burden lifted, and I experienced the peace that only God's love can bring.

This newfound faith guided my journey into ministry. Despite initial reluctance, I surrendered to the Lord's call to preach. Wrestling with doubt, the Lord affirmed His plan, and I embraced a path that has brought immense joy and fulfillment. Reflecting on my journey, I acknowledge the perfection of God's plans and the happiness found in aligning with His will. Through my ministry, I've witnessed lives transformed and souls saved, a testament to the grace and guidance of our Lord.

As I share this testimony, my prayer is that it resonates with others, offering hope and encouragement. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives by being a light for Jesus. With anticipation, I look forward to the continued blessings and impact that God will unfold in my life and ministry.

In closing, I request your prayers for all God's called men as we strive to serve the Lord and His people obediently.

Jay Warrior

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